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A pendulum is a weight that can freely swing from a pivot point by using gravity and momentum. Using a pendulum is a form of divination that responds to "Yes" or "No" questions being asked. It can be used in various scenarios where you just want to gain a little more clarity, connection, and a better understanding of something. Your pendulum responds to your energy.

Pendulums have an amazing range of uses and have been employed by many different cultures for thousands of years.
The oldest known recorded pendulum use is eight thousand years old, recorded in ancient cave drawings in Algeria.
Chinese emperors used pendulums to predict the future. Moses used one to discover water hidden in a rock.

My pendulums are handmade with semi-precious gemstones. When trying to decide which pendulum is best for you, just find the one that speaks to you. Choosing the right pendulum is like choosing the right crystal—there is no right or wrong. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be shown which pendulum is right for you.

The pendulums are $35 each plus shipping and handling. If you are interested please contact me. Thank you!





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